India-US Nuclear Deal
India -Usa Nuclear deal brought about lots of hopes and aspirations to the vast multitudes of energy starved people of India . The responses and reactions are myriad . Ranging from ultra nationalistic to neo- accomadative , the deal has brought forward various cerebral images and thought process to the fore .
The immediate reaction ,( few say it was knee jerk ) of the left parties was that its comprimising our national pride and our non aligned foreign policy .The right wing too had its own reservations about the July 18 Indo-Usa Nuclear deal .After nerve -wrecking bargaining , and ample number of assurances by our policy makers and clarifications to the Parliament by our Prime Minister , and taking into confidence our nuclear scientific community , India with a lofty vision , marched forward crossing the past non-productive ideologies , with a new pardigm shift in its approach towards relationships both in its extended neighbourhood and also at the broad world stage .It forged a new dynamic , vibrant , business relationship with the only super power of the planet ---The USA .
The outcome is two fold ... we gained the Indo- Usa nuclear deal ....but we lost few of our old friends viz Iran ...our friend from anceint civilsiations .By voting against it in the voting to refer it to the security council for sanctions , India was alleged of having become an hench man of USA. Reactions were sharp that it has lost its independednt foreign policy and that all its policies were being remote controlled by Usa . One thing should we all remember that when the path we embarked is new and the challenges mighty , mistakes do happen and with this spirit India acknowledged its blunder and corrected it by abstaining in the next vote !.
After the initial euphoria created by the july 18 deal , few of our intellectuals started dreaming ( rightly) that India is on the verge of becoming a superpower .They fell aghast when new conditions started creeping in . The MAY 2nd agreement attempeted to fix the goalposts and remove any kind of vague discrepancies . With vigilant media staring straight in the eyes , stiff oppostion from political parties and dynamic watchdog -nuclear scientific community puting forth periodic clarifications and suggestions , the whole of India was participating in this GREAT PUBLIC DEBATE ....should we have it or leave it . At this juncture credit is due to all the negotitators especially Mr. M.K . Narayan , principal advisor to the Govt. Of India .They have bargained hard , baragined tough and bragained right and sqeezed the deal right trough the nose of hardliners like Mr. NicholasBurns (under sec . foreign relations) and Ms Rice .
We were elated . Usa is treating us like " Partners ". We are getting Full Nuclear Co-operation. Full means Full Sir ! from technolgy transfers to recycling and reprecessing of spent fuels . our reactors were seperated intio civilian and military . this is the only thing we have to do ! Our fast breeder test reactors are safe , they will never enter into the magnifying glasses of the foriegn inspectors .
But all great things face stiff chalanges . the deal has to be endorsed by the Congress . In simple words I would like to put it in this way ---" A 3 page document became 60 pages legal book " ! It contains many passages , references and uncalled for conditions that has put a dampner on the deal .
India should not conduct a nuclear test ! if it does all the containers and material will be removed and shipped back to usa ! how is this possible even the experts dont know ! it ridicules our declaration on self-moratarium on further nuclear tests way back in 1998.
India does not have the right to recyle and reprocessing of the spent fuel . spent fuels are the waste fuels produced ina nuclear reactor rich in plutoium but not useful as it is mixed with other fissile material. India mastered the art of reprocessing in mid 80's. hence India did not sign the partial nor the complete test ban treaty . so why now ! and that too when we are equals ! A rational answer is awaited !
So with all the above due considerations to the Jack Hyde Indo - Usa nuclear act 2006 , one should be holistic in one s approch before we jump to any conclusions .Indian negotiators state that the Act is not binding on India as it is a American domestic law . So one should not attach much significance to it as all depends on the 123 document that we have to sign with USA.
Presently our scientists are against this new agreement . Former nuclear scientists numbering about 10 of them headed by Mr.Prasad had rejected the new form deal outrightly . Anil Kadodkar has his own serious reservations about the deal . There is total oppostion to it from our polity . The press and intelligentsia is voicing its own reservations . the future ahead is tough . Recently PM has announced that he will not allow foreign inspectors to "roam about " in our nuclear complexes .
So what we really lose if we dont get the deal . We lose energy . We lose time . We lose knowledge and expertise in becoming self - suffiecient in nuclear energy .
But all is not dark . There are many sliver linings only if we can search . We have to be determined in this pursuit . It is quite simple .Find alternative energy sources . WE have to harness solar , tidal , wind energies . Our President Shri Abdul kalam has set forth an beautiful example ....he installed solar cookers in his palace. and all his lights and air coolers run with solar energy . Why should we not at once follow the footsteps of this great man . Instead of debating and aping the west lets do our little bit in making India self-reliant and prosperous. An India that gives and only gives but never begs !
India is one of the counties that is part of the gobal endeavour to master nuclear fusion technologies . alongwith USA, Japan, S. korea , France , Germany and China , its part of a pioneering research in TOKMAK technolgies . Nuclear fusion energy is cheap and risk free, and enviornemental friendly .We are competent enough to achieve significant breakthroughs in any kind of technology if only given the Time and Money !
We have huge vast Thorium reserves . India has 85 % of world Thorium in its basket . Our scientists are on the doorstep in finding the required technology to convert this inert thoruim into fissile energy producing thorium. It will happen soon . Who dreamt at the stroke of the midnight hour that India would test its nuclear weapons in just a quarter century of time . So would we be Masters of our own fate and destiny . We would in due time be masters in using thorium reserves.The Fast Test Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam is the forerunner in this endeavour .
So arguments that we should still bargain for bargaining sake doesnt hold scientific rational reasoning .Already the goal posts are shifted . USA cannot and will not tresspass its Congress mandate in the Hyde Act to give further concessions to India . The writing is very clear on the wall . Its only a matter of time . If we still want we should lick our injured pride and be part of this unholy fearfull alliance or else leave it and come out unscatched with our Head held high !
Hope our responsible Policy makers take tough descions and one institute they can look for inspiration if they like to is --- THE USA CONGRESS . Be tough is indeed the message we have gained through all this melodrama .We can live without You ! Time for our own PARLIAMENT to THUNDER !
(With warm regards and platitudes to two gentleman who dared to break the routine path ---George Bush and Manmohan Singh --history will remember both of you for the right reasons !)
Feb 14, 2007
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